Student problems, living away from home

  1. Messy room, messy mind.

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2. Often I forget myself in my own messy room and there’s no one to come and say “Clean your room! It’s a total mess, how can a person live here!?”, I end up having my own organized messiness.

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3. When it’s time to clean dishes I just end up putting them in the sink and forgetting them there for at least two says.

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4. procrastinating too much now.

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5. Clearly hearing everything what neighbors are doing next door.

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6. Not wanting to leave your place because it’s too cozy and comfortable.

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7. That one chair full of clothes making your room an walking closet.

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8. Don’t cook anymore, eating ready-made food and just junk.Image result for junk food

9. Losing weigh without really dieting.

I lost 8kg after moving out while just eating whatever I wanted.

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10. Staying in bed all day.

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11. Going home on weekends.

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